We're experiencing a BAD snowstorm in Chicago today. I headed down to the treadmill this morning & I have to say, although it is convenient for a mom of 3 to get a workout in while the kids sleep, it is not my favorite way to run. I love being outside, the changing scenery, the elements, just the freedom of it all. I ran cross country in Highschool for 3 years and could only take track for 1 season. I just couldn't handle the monotonous running around the track, I ran the mile, so it was 4 times around. UGH, the.worst! Anyways, the treadmill reminds me a lot of the track. It's just the same thing over & over. We've lived in our loft for over 5 years and just a few months ago we FINALLY got TVs in the workout room.That HAS made it better, but I still can't go more than 5 miles on the treadmill. Who are these people that can go over 9?! Insane, I tell you! Tomorrow will be another treadmill day, which sometimes I don't mind, I do appreciate the controlled climate of our workout room, as opposed to the very cold weather outside.
Do you talk to people around you while you work out? I am curious, b/c there are a few regulars who are down in the workout room in the mornings when I go down, but we've never talked to each other! I look at them & smile if they catch my eye, but no one has ever introduced themselves to me & I would feel weird being the one to do that. I would love some pointers on gym etiquette! :)
In other news, I am getting faster & I am SO happy!! I always jack up the mph on the treadmill so that I am not going to same speed for a whole workout, I always try to go faster at the end. Anyways, I am beginning to notice that my old "fast" pace is now my normal pace. I am at a 9 minute mile now, when just last year I was at a 10 minute mile. I ran the Turkey Trot 10K at a 9:15 mile pace & I was ecstatic, now when I run outside, I can go ever faster than that!! I can't even imagine running under a 9 minute mile pace, but I am hoping it will happen this year, if I keep my training up. I have run every day so far in March ;) I ran ALMOST every day in February, I think I missed either 5 or 6 days, but out of 28 days in the month, that's not SO bad. I can definitely tell that it's helping me get my pace up there.
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