Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Fitness wrap up

The last few days have been amazing!! The sun is shining, it's been warm, the perfect days to get outside & RUN!! I got in 9 miles on Sunday & it was awesome. After spending all of last week in the basement, on a treadmill, it was glorious to feel the sun on my face! I had to play around with my route a little bit & try to make my run longer. I did my usual loop, but it's only 5 miles normally, so I kept adding on here & there to get to 9. Monday morning I got together with my loco running buddies. Seriously, we are a crazy bunch!! You don't see many runners out there on the trail when it's snowy, icy & wet. We need to get a long run of about 12 or 13 miles in SOON, but time only allowed us to get in 8 on Monday. Today I dropped the ball on the mile-a-day challenge today, I only got in weights this morning. However, I think I have running fever! When the weather started to change & the snow started to fall, I actually thought to myself "I bet it would be awesome to run in this". LOL I might be going a little crazy...

The mile-a-day challenge is extended into March & I am not sure I can keep it up. I guess I might as well try though, right?! I haven't been perfect about it in Feb, but my goal is run as much as possible & I think I should keep doing that through May, especially if I want to get my marathon in that month.

Speaking of March, I am re-doing the Whole30 Challenge. YAY!! I am excited to get started with that again. I have been mostly paleo this month, with slip ups here & there and a few blatantly, NOT paleo days. I know where I want to be though & clean eating will get me there. I am excited to start on Friday! Just a reminder for those of you wondering what the Whole30 Challenge is: Intro to Whole30. This challenge I am looking forward to burning FAT, to getting leaner & building muscle. I am really going to focus on being sugar free & eat more lean proteins. Y'all, I am saying Good-Bye to BACON this month!!! What the what?!  No lie, THAT will be the challenge for me, for sure! HAHA

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