Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Cleanse is OVER!!!

So Tuesday was Day 7 of my cleanse and it.was.HARD!! It was a deep cleanse day, which means, NO MEALS :( I did get to have 2 shakes & 2 chocolate/green tea treats (which were HEAVEN!) but that was it for "food". I started the Maintenance program yesterday, which is 30 days & it consists of 6 small meals a day, so I'm eating about every 2-3 hours. I am still getting shakes a few times a day, but I finally get to have a breakfast that I can CHEW! It's awesome LOL Plus, I get 2 dinners, it's pretty awesome LOL I am loving it!!!

So the results from the detox/cleanse are in. I lost 3 pounds total, I lost an inch from my waist & an inch from my hips!! AMAZING!!! I am seriously happy with the results :) It makes me determined to stick close to the maintenance program so that I don't go crazy & gain a whole bunch of weight back. I want to keep up the results & hopefully gain muscle. I saw something earlier this week that said for my body type, an ecotmorph (naturally thin, with long limbs), to gain muscle, I need to be eating a lot of small meals. I haven't tried that before, so I am looking forward to seeing the results at the end of the month!

So I might be slightly obsessed with buying workout shirts with cute sayings on them LOL When Nick sees that I bought another one, he always asks "what does this one say?" HAHA. So here's the pic of all of my cute work out tees. I didn't realize it, but I was missing one from the pic:

Here is me in my newest one:
 I love it! And I plan to get a workout in wearing it today! I can't wait :) 

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