Monday, December 31, 2012

Resolutions for 2013

I am SO excited for a new year!! I have enjoyed 2012, but I am looking forward to a fresh, new start. Perhaps b/c I have slowed down in my running & exercise routine, I'm hoping that a new year will get me going again. I am starting up the workout group at church again, we start January 10th 7-8 PM :) (always gotta put a plug out there), that always helps me get into a routine. I am signing up for my first race in 2013! I am signing up for the Chicago Get Lucky race, which is a 21K, basically a half-marathon. I ran my first ever half-marathon January 2012 & it was such an awful experience (for me, the race was fine, *I* was not) that I promised myself never to run another race in January again. SO I think March would be the best month to start racing again. February might be OK too, but I haven't found a race in Chicago in March will have to do :) Anyways....2013...My resolutions are as follows:
1. Run my first full marathon (probably in the fall)
2. Continue workout group at church
3. Continue running outside with running group
4. Take a yoga class
5. Make more of our dinners/eat healthier
6. Make a recipe off of Pinterest at least once a week.
7. My DREAM, which who knows if it will go on a yoga retreat

That's probably it for 2013. I can't wait to get it started!! I hope you join me in the New Year...hoping to have some exciting adventures & get more healthy & fit as the months go by.

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