Thursday, January 24, 2013

Waiting on the Lord

Sometimes I get discouraged. I generally have a positive outlook on things & am excited about my interests; following the Lord, physical fitness, being a wife & mom, etc. However it's hard to maintain a certain level of excitement about those things all of the time. I came crashing down hard last night/this morning. I begin to wonder what am I doing? I start feeling like I don't know anything or that I have so far to go to get where I want to go. I just want to meet my goals TODAY! I want what I want & I want it now! lol That is the time when I turn to the Lord.

There was a segment on the radio yesterday where they host & the guest were talking about using your passions & talents that God gave you to fulfill your purpose in life. (quickly paraphrasing b/c I don't remember the exact terms that were used). Anyways, they were talking about those times when you are in a waiting period, you need to draw near to God & use that time to build yourself up in the Lord. Those waiting periods are tough, that's where I feel like I am today. Sure I have passion & drive to meet my goals, but I sure need training. I am trying to be patient as I look for ways to learn more & get hands on experience that are close & relatively inexpensive. Let me tell you, it's rough!! But I am going to use this opportunity to draw close to the Lord, strengthen my relationship with Him  & wait on His timing for training & experience.

I know that I am on the right path. I prayed about it a LOT last fall & had it confirmed over & over again. I felt that I needed to take the plunge & start a workout group at church, which was again, something I prayed over for MONTHS & then had it confirmed again & again. I am thankful that God was patient with me when I kept asking for confirmation! LOL So anyways, it has begun again & now I am wondering what next? Where do I go from here? I am a complete novice at this & I would like to feel a like I have some knowledge to bring to the table. Again, the passion is there, but I don't have any real training or experience. I am just glad that God uses the willing & that the rest is in His hands.

So this morning I was feeling really bad about myself. Workout group is tonight & I have to prepare for it. I am excited for it & I love getting together with women & encouraging them towards getting physically fit. I am thankful that our church allows us to meet in their building & that they see it as a good thing for us to put a small focus on physical fitness. Honestly, that is all God's doing :) Anyways, I was praying about it & thinking about what I had heard on the radio yesterday. God would have to guide me in the next steps of getting certified or taking classes, whatever His plans are for me. Then I found it!! I found a fitness conference in Chicago, in March, one that is affordable!! I really can't wait & hope that we can swing it financially, but it isn't as expensive as some other things I've wanted to it's very likely I can go! I am excited that this may be the first steps in getting training, knowledge & connecting with other people. Please pray that this happens for me!


  1. I had one of those days too. Is it the weather? I don't know. I had to remember how the Lord sees us...not full of shortcomings and failures. And he is gentle with us to teach us patience. Hang in there.

  2. Thanks for the encouragement Adina!! Sometimes I get hard on myself b/c I feel like I have so far to go, but I have been reminding myself that all expert were once beginners & that helps. I just want to be so much farther along towards my goals than I am right now. This is just the beginning for me & that's hard to accept sometimes!

  3. Beck! that would be so fantastic to go to! When is the conference and where? If I can, I'd love to go with you. Also, another step maybe you want to consider is becoming a certified personal trainer. I have a current book from college that you are more than welcome to look through and use to study/prepare for the exam.

  4. Sure! I'd love to take a look Kristen :) Thanks!!
